Getting started

Welcome to the Stormshield Endpoint Security Evolution SaaS deployment guide.

This document contains technical information specific to the SaaS version of the product, and is aimed at Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs).

The SES Evolution security solution offers organizations of all sizes comprehensive protection for user workstations and servers. Installed on your customers' workstations and servers, the SES Evolution agent protects them from known and unknown attacks, as well as intrusions, in a transparent manner for users.

As an MSSP, you configure the agent from an administration console, and you to manage the SES Evolution backoffice for each of your customers.

In the administration console, you can configure security policies and also read event logs generated by workstations and servers in order to monitor their operation.

SES Evolution also has a public REST API. It is not enabled by default. For more information on the public API, refer to the section Enabling and managing SES Evolution's public API.

In the documentation, Stormshield Endpoint Security Evolution is referred to in its short form: SES Evolution.