SMC 3.1.2 fixes
Updating the SMC server
Access to the web administration interface after an update to version 3.1.0
After an update to version 3.1.0, users would no longer be able to access the web interface whenever the Outgoing interface field was specified in certification authorities to manage certificate renewals.
This field is now managed individually in version 3.6 by firewall, instead of by certification authority.
Users can now access the interface again.
Managing administrators
Logins containing the ".” character
Support references 188742CW and 168382PW
Users can now log in again to the SMC server if their logins contain the ".” character, regardless of the origin of the administrator account (local, LDAP or Radius).
Connection with an LDAPS account
Support references 168375PW, 168393PW, 188642CW and 188403CW
After an update to version 3.1.2, users can now connect to the SMC server again with an LDAPS account.
Active Updates
Manually updating Active Update databases
Support reference 168411PW
All Active Update databases can now be manually updated again from the file generated by the database download script.